History of the Jackson Golf Club
(written October, 1972)
Forty-five year ago, the Jackson Golf Club was a dream of only a handful of individuals. Today, the Jackson Golf Club is one of the best nine-hole in the entire region.
In 1928, the game of golf was new to most of the charter members of Jackson. However, drive and determination developed the first course south of Jackson on the Petersburg Road. Grass greens, watered fairways, a club house, practice greens, and sandtraps were not part of the first Jackson Golf Club. In fact, most of the improvements were not added until a few years ago.
The first official annual meeting of the Club was February 14, 1928. R.P. Hansen was the first president. The charter Board of Directors was O.C. Sathe, C.M. Shearer, A.J. Feddes, W.W. Wold, Dr. Biorn, C.F. Mallahan, A.E. Wallce, and J.L. King.
Club by-laws were adopted in January on 1930.
Everett Salyards was the only man ever to ace a hole on the olf golf course, sinking a hole-in-one on #9.
Golfers used to have their names stamped on all balls. When someone would find a ball, they would turn it into the club and the owner would it back for 10 cents. The revenue from lost balls in 1930 was $36.85.
In 1931, the annual dues were $10 a year. Cash on hand at the end of 1931 was $1.73.
In the early days, the club members were responsible for the upkeep of the course. In 1932, each green was kept by four members and reconditioned as the four members saw fit. A caretaker was hired later at a rate of 35 cents per hour. C.M. Shearer was the first caretaker. Green fees in 1933 were 25 cents a round, 50 cents a day, or $2 a week.
In 1934, under president W.C. Westby, members were instructed to solicit members from Lakefield, Windom, and Mt. Lake. Annual dues were $5 for non-residents. In February of 1943, the club sold the tractor and other equipment and agreed to sell the club not less than $400. The club house was a shelter which members used for , visiting, etc. When the club house was bought, members donated the money. After is was sold for $350, the money was back to the members.
The remainder of 1943 and 1944 the Jackson Golf Club was almost closed as most golfers were serving in World War II. The Club was without a president for these two years. During this time, the course was turned into a pasture and never again used for golfing.
Men started returning from World War II in 1945. Dr. W.B. Wells, who was the president in 1941 and 1942, took over the responsibilities again, which he kept until 1947.
On May 27, 1947, the Club was incorporated. This was the start of today's facilities. Later, in 1947, Ben Lovekin, a golf professional at Worthington, was hired to draw plans for a new course. He fee was $100. After the course was designed, the club membership started the job of planting grass. Because of conditions, the grass had to be planted three times before it finally started to grow.
More and more were starting to golf now and the need for a club house was brought before the Board of Directors. In 1949, the estimated cost of a club house was $27,000. The Board felt this was too high and turned down the proposal. However, at the June 1, 1949 meeting, the Club decided to borrow $12,500 from the Wrede Brothers at four percent to finance part of the construction costs of a club house. The Board also decided to enter into a contract with the N.R. Wallin Co. for the construction. Since 1949, many changes have been made to the club house. Some of the changes have been additions, basement storage, kitchen improvments, etc. Also, in 1949, a watering system for the fairways was first discussed. The clubhouse was officially opened on July 9, 1950.
Besides club house and course improvements, the Club did not make any major investments until 1967 when a decision was made to build a 30 x 75 foot cart house southwest of #6 green. This year, 1972, an additional cart house was built.
Stag night was changed from Thursday night to Wednesday night in 1955 to cooperate with the downtown businessmen.
In April of 1965 the Board gave approval to build a pond below #8 tee-off.
Watered fairways was again brought before the Board in 1967. In 1968 the Board authorized $500 for a preliminary survey to determine the needs and specifications for a fairway watering system. Also, in 1968, the Board authorized the Club to borrow $11,500 for improvements to the club house. Later, in 1968, the Board authorized the expendure of an amount not to exceed $20,000 for a complete new course watering system which included a fairway and greens watering system. The bid was $16,218 for the watering system. On October 15, 1968, the membership expressed interest that the Club should start thinking about an 18-hole golf course.
In 1969, the Club decided to rent golf carts from Harley-Davidson on a 60%-40% basis. In July, 1969, the motion was approved to black-top the road to the golf cart house.
In July, 1970, the Club bought six used electric carts from Harley-Davidson. A steel building was erected to house ground equipment.
In looking back, we found old rules for moving golf balls. Ball may be moved if it is in a gopher hole, badger hole, cow path, or cow pie.
Caddies could be used but must not charge over 15 cents for each 9 holes.
Lee Cushman's count for registration to play golf during the 1972 season was 7500 plus.
Golf Club Presidents
1928 R.P. Hansen
1928 Dr. N.A. Biorn
1929 F.M. Holecek
1930 I.W. Mahoney
1931 I.W. Mahoney
1932 I.W. Mahoney
1933 W.C. Westby
1934 W.C. Westby
1935 O.E. Sathe
1936 E.H. Warren
1937 L.M. Hruby
1938 Emmet Amdahl
1939 K.V. Muir
1940 Leo Winzenburg
1941 Dr. W.B. Wells
1942 Dr. W.B. Wells
1943 No president because of WWII
1944 No president becasue of WWII
1945 Dr. W.B. Wells
1946 Dr. W.B. Wells
1947 Dr. W.B. Wells
1948 Boyd K. Holecek
1949 Boyd K. Holecek
1950 Boyd K. Holecek
1951 Stanley Nestegard
1952 Stanley Nestegard
1953 Leo Winzenburg
1954 B.E. Grottum
1955 George Rogentine
1956 Kenneth Muir
1957 Charles C. Ayres
1958 Merrill Stolp
1959 Charles Hale
1960 A.J. Seierstad
1961 A.J. Seierstad
1962 Frank Matuska
1963 Rodney Muir
1964 Lee Marquart
1965 Bob Burnham
1966 Fred Thies
1967 Dr. L.M. Benson
1968 Dave Stolp
1969 Jerry Retterath
1970 John Lundblad
1971 Marv Hugunin
1972 Curt Dietz